Common Words by Reading

falling on one's backside (behind, bottom) ②mochi used to celebrate a child's first birthday
rice cake with bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf
rice cake shop keeper
rice-flour dumplings mixed with mugwort
rice cake stuffed with sweet bean jam
rice cakes wrapped in oak leaves
mochi rice cake with red bean jam filling ②mochi rice cake
mochi wrapped with sweet bean jam
fortifying mochi ②mochi received from one's parents after giving birth ③mochi given to a toddler on its first birthday
flattened rice cakes
mochi made in winter
rice cracker seasoned with soy sauce
something useless
Heian-period pastry made of duck or goose eggs mixed with vegetables boiled and wrapped in mochi which is then cut into squares
Heian-period ceremony where a newlywed groom and bride eat a rice-cake on the third night after the wedding ceremony
Heian-period ceremony where a newlywed groom and bride eat a rice-cake on the third night after the wedding ceremony
mochi used for the celebration of a child's fiftieth day
sweet yuzu-flavored steamed dumpling