

  1. mochikinchaku, glutinous rice in a pouch of fried tofu, used in oden.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
餅巾着 もちきんちゃく

Contained Kanji Breakdown

mochi rice cake
もち ヘイ ヒョウ (11th)
eat, food, eat radical (no. 184)
ひと ニン ジン (1st, N5)
good, pleasing, skilled
よ.い リョウ ら (4th, N3)
katakana no radical (no. 4)
ヘツ えい よう (Kentei 1)
northeast (Oriental zodiac), stopping, good radical (no. 138)
うしとら コン (Kentei Pre-1)
day, sun, Japan
ひ にっ ニチ (1st, N5)
garment, clothes, dressing
イ ころも きぬ (4th, N2)
kettle lid radical (no. 8)
トウ (Kentei 1)
garment(衣) variant
put together
ヘイ ヒョウ あわ.せる (Kentei 1)
eight, eight radical (no. 12)
ハチ や はっ (1st, N5)
dry, parch, ebb
ひ.る カン ほ.す (6th, N2)
towel, hanging scroll, width
キン フク おお.い (11th)
don, arrive, wear
チャク つ.く き.る (3rd, N4)
sheep(羊) variant
to divide
king, rule, magnate
オウ -ノウ おお (1st, N3)
eye, class, look
め モク ボク (1st, N4)