Common Words by Reading

salt ②hardship ③cold
salt ②hardship ③cold
table salt ②small plate
grilling (fish) with salt ②boiling seawater to get salt
seasoning with salt
salt thrown to purify the ring before a bout
salty beef tongue
pickling in salt ②leaving unchanged
thin strips of kombu cooked in soy sauce, etc. then dried
rice cracker seasoned with soy sauce
gomasio ②salt-and-pepper hair
boiling with salt
sprinkling salt on a raw vegetable and rubbing it in
salt (e.g. sodium chloride, calcium sulfate, etc.) ②chloride
hydrochloric acid
chlorine (Cl)
salt damage (from seawater, sea air, etc.)
saltwater or saline lake
pot dish with white flesh fish and shottsuru sauce (Akita regional dish)
well-balanced vinegar