Common Words by Reading

tiger (Panthera tigris) ②drunkard
tiger (Panthera tigris) ②drunkard
tiger cub ②one's treasure
big tiger ②drinker
book of (trade) secrets ②study guide (to supplement a textbook)
tiger's tail ②gooseneck loosestrife (species of flowering plant, Lysimachia clethroides) ③Asplenium incisum (species of spleenwort)
papier-mâché tiger (toy with a loose, wobbly head) ②paper tiger
tiger pattern
small tiger ②light drinker
tiger-striped pants ②cakes or bread with a tiger pattern or face
unevenly cropped (hair)
kanji "tiger" radical
kanji "tiger" radical
Polygonum tenuicaule (species of knotweed)
Eusteralis yatabeana (species of plant in the mint family)
tiger's howling ②being out and active in the world (of a hero, etc.)
fierce tiger ②Hanshin Tigers (baseball team)
White Tiger (Taoist god said to rule over the western heavens) ②seven mansions (Chinese constellations) of the western heavens
jaws of death
vigilantly (watching for an opportunity)
tiger's den
tiger cub
tiger fur
dragon and tiger
two equal rivals
tigers and wolves ②cruel and greedy brute
Tiger Swallow Fist
one calamity followed close on the heels of another
saber-toothed tiger (saber)
winter wind whistling through a bamboo fence
rear a tiger and court disaster
rear a tiger and court disaster