Common Words by Reading

hour ②(specified) time
time ②hour ③period
period ②the times ③oldness ④antique
point in time
eight o'clock
seven o'clock
3 o'clock ②afternoon snack (eaten around 3 o'clock) ③three ages of Buddhism (following the death of Gautama Buddha; age of the true law, age of the copied law, and age of the degeneration of the law)
two o'clock
time ②favorable time
five o'clock
nine o'clock
half past (the hour)
time ②occasion ③chance ④the times
time ②occasion ③chance ④the times
sometimes ②seasonal
these days ②at this time (of the day)
by the way ②sometimes ③precisely (at that time)
red ②red kidney bean ③sweet potato (any of a number of different cultivars with red skin)
flow of time ②current of the times
tidal hour ②right time
little while ②an hour ③half-hour
one's internal clock
Horologium (constellation)
people look friendly when they ask for a loan but not so much when they repay it
outburst of cicadas singing
light shower on a night in late autumn and early winter
the first rain to fall between the late autumn and the early winter
tenth lunar month
Matsuo Basho remembrance day (12th day of the 10th lunar month, associated with the change of the seasons)
var. of fresh Japanese sweet made of white bean paste, egg yolk, sugar and rice granules
seafood, etc. preserve made with mirin, ginger and soy