noun, takes genitive case の

  1. successive generations, successive emperors.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
歴代 れきだい

Contained Kanji Breakdown

curriculum, continuation, passage of time
レキ レッキ (4th, N2)
building where rice is stored
wild goose, trailing cliff radical (no. 27)
カン かりがね (Kentei 1)
grove, forest
リン はやし し (1st, N2)
tree, wood
き モク こ- (1st, N5)
stop, halt
と.まる シ どめ (2nd, N4)
divining, fortune-telling, divination or katakana to radical (no. 25)
ボク うらな.う うらない (Kentei Pre-1)
substitute, change, convert
ダイ か.わる よ (3rd, N4)
human radical (no. 9)
piling, ceremony radical (no. 56)
ヨク いぐるみ (Kentei 1)