Common Words by Reading

crow (Corvus spp.)
small, crow-billed tengu
Yatagarasu (mythical raven who aided Emperor Jimmu on his eastern expedition) ②three-legged crow inhabiting the sun in Chinese mythology
money lent at daily interest
coarse dark-brown paper
daybreak sound of a crow ②(name of) poetry anthology
Yatagarasu (mythical raven who aided Emperor Jimmu on his eastern expedition) ②three-legged crow inhabiting the sun in Chinese mythology
crow in the mountains ②jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) ③rook (species of crow, Corvus frugilegus) ④dark-skinned person
Wuhuan (proto-Mongolic nomadic people)
European magpie (Pica pica) ②crow
jet black ②peyote (Lophophora williamsii)
black rhinoceros horn
days and nights passing by quickly
crows and herons ②black and white (esp. go stones) ③go (game)
type of leather belt worn with ceremonial court dress and decorated with a rhinoceros horn
sun and moon ②time
golden cuttlefish (Sepia esculenta)
Japanese common squid ②golden cuttlefish (Sepia esculenta) ③Japanese spineless cuttlefish (Sepiella japonica)
black silk or paper triangle worn over the forehead (usu. worn by children)