Common Words by Reading

to soak ②to moisten
to be soaked in ②to be immersed in (joy, memories, alcohol, etc.)
to be soaked in ②to be immersed in (joy, memories, alcohol, etc.)
to soak ②to moisten
to stay long ②to be immersed (in water) for a long time
liquor-soaked ②continuous drinking
boiled greens flavored with soy (flavored)
to dunk (e.g. food in a drink)
liquor-soaked ②continuous drinking
type of stew, usu. fish or vegetables in a mild broth
permeation (of thought, ideology, culture, etc.) ②permeation (of a liquid, etc.) ③osmosis
infiltration (e.g. of water)
inundation above floor level
infiltration (of a liquid) ②spread (of a political ideology, etc.)
rebaptism by immersion
pulmonary infiltration
baptism by immersion
to be submerged ②to be pickled ③to be totally immersed (in a condition, e.g. laziness)
to be submerged ②to be pickled ③to be totally immersed (in a condition, e.g. laziness)
to dunk (e.g. food in a drink)