
38 Vocabulary

continent ②continental Asia (esp. mainland China) ③continental Europe
explosion ②outburst (of emotion)
to stream ②to be washed away ③to drift ④to sweep (e.g. rumor, fire)
waterfall ②rapids
to look at ②to look out over ③to look on (from the sidelines)
to float ②to rise to the surface ③to come to mind
city ②Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
district ②the country ③civilian society
to be separated ②to leave ③to leave (a job, etc.) ④to lose connection with
hometown ②ruins
continent ②continental Asia (esp. mainland China) ③continental Europe
explosion ②outburst (of emotion)
to stream ②to be washed away ③to drift ④to sweep (e.g. rumor, fire)
waterfall ②rapids
to look at ②to look out over ③to look on (from the sidelines)
to float ②to rise to the surface ③to come to mind
city ②Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
district ②the country ③civilian society
to be separated ②to leave ③to leave (a job, etc.) ④to lose connection with