
100 of 631 Vocabulary

to stay at (e.g. hotel) ②to be docked
to stop ②to park ③to prevent ④to stop (someone from doing something)
to exchange ②to replace
thief ②theft
drumming (noise) ②rapidly ③continuously
to cure ②to fix ③to do over again ④to replace
to get mended ②to return to normal ③to be corrected ④to come right
to get better
very ②by no means ③middle ④excellent
to be lost (e.g. luggage) ②to be used up ③to disappear (e.g. pain)
to throw ②to give up ③to cast (a glance, shadow, doubt, etc.)
as (much) as possible
to get used to ②to become skilled in ③to get used to doing
admission (to a school or university)
to resemble
to steal ②to plagiarize ③to do stealthily ④to do during scant time
heat ②fever ③zeal
sleeping in late ②late riser
to sleep ②to die ③to lie idle (e.g. of resources) ④to close one's eyes
throat ②singing voice
to transfer (trains) ②to change (to another ideology, party, company, etc.)
vehicle ②ride (playground, fair, carnival)
part ②part-timer ③part-time (work)
double ②times (as much) ③1-nth
to carry ②to come ③to wield (a tool, etc.) ④to go (well, etc.)
to start ②to start up (a business, society, etc.) ③to start ...
place ②room ③basho
should (be) ②nock (of a bow) ③nock (of an arrow)
embarrassing ②disgraceful
personal computer
pronunciation ②production of sound
clearly ②to be clear
cherry blossom viewing
wood ②bunch (of something)
to pay (e.g. money, bill) ②to brush off ③to drive away (e.g. one's competitors) ④to sell off (something unneeded)
program (e.g. TV)
day ②sun ③(the) day ④date
to grow cold (from room temperature, e.g. in refrigerator)
light ②illumination ③happiness ④influence
drawer ②withdrawal (of money from an account) ③variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu
to pull out ②to lead out (e.g. a horse from a stable) ③to withdraw (money) ④to bring out (talent, potential, beauty, flavor, etc.)
mustache ②whiskers (on a cat, etc.) ③shadow (on a candlestick chart)
a long time (since the last time)
to be surprised ②surprise (e.g. surprise party)
necessary ②necessity
cruel ②violent ③very bad ④excessive
to open ②to bloom ③to hold (meeting, party, etc.) ④to found (nation, dynasty, sect, etc.) ⑤to flare (e.g. skirt) ⑥to slacken (into a poor posture)
multi-floor building ②bill
deep ②profound ③dense ④close (relationship)
review (of learned material)
head (chief, director) of a section or department ②head of a (school) club
normal ②normally ③local train
futon ②round cushion used for Zen meditation (traditionally made of woven bulrush leaves)
ship ②tank ③counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi)
to step on ②to set foot on (e.g. foreign soil) ③to experience ④to follow (rules, principles, etc.)
culture ②Bunka era (1804.2.11-1818.4.22)
distinction ②separate ③exception ④classified by
Note: There is no longer an official word or kanji list for the JLPT. This list is a suggestion based on data from Tanos