
noun, takes genitive case の

Used in letters to celebrate the health and happiness of the addressee.
  1. gentle and pure.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
清穆 せいぼく

Contained Kanji Breakdown

pure, purify, cleanse
セイ きよ.い し (4th, N2)
water, water radical (no. 85)
blue, green
あお セイ お (1st, N4)
life (生) variant
month, moon
つき ゲツ ガツ (1st, N5)
respectful, mild, beautiful
ボク モク やわ.らぐ (Kentei Pre-1)
two-branch tree radical (no. 115)
カ いね (Kentei Pre-1)
katakana no radical (no. 4)
ヘツ えい よう (Kentei 1)
tree, wood
き モク こ- (1st, N5)
day, sun, Japan
ひ にっ ニチ (1st, N5)
little, small
ショウ こ- ちい.さい (1st, N5)
feathered stick, barb radical (no. 6)
ケツ かぎ (Kentei 1)
eight, eight radical (no. 12)
ハチ や はっ (1st, N5)
three, hair ornament, short hair or fur radical (no. 59)
サン セン (Kentei 1)