Godan verb, intransitive verb

  1. to pole (a boat), to punt (a boat).
  2. to swim with (the tide), to go with (the flow, the times, etc.).
  3. to go against (the tide, the flow, etc.).


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
棹さす さおさす
棹差す さおさす

Contained Kanji Breakdown

pole a boat
さお トウ タク (Kentei 1)
tree, wood
き モク こ- (1st, N5)
eminent, table, desk
タク すぐる たか (8th, N1)
divining, fortune-telling, divination or katakana to radical (no. 25)
ボク うらな.う うらない (Kentei Pre-1)
early, fast
はや.い サッ ソウ (1st, N4)
day, sun, Japan
ひ にっ ニチ (1st, N5)
ジュウ ジッ ジュッ (1st, N5)