

  1. processing trade.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
加工貿易 かこうぼうえき

Contained Kanji Breakdown

add, addition, increase
カ くわ.える (4th, N3)
power, strength, strong
リョク ちから リキ (1st, N4)
くち コウ ク (1st, N4)
craft, construction, katakana e radical (no. 48)
コウ ク もく (2nd, N4)
trade, exchange
ボウ (5th, N2)
sign of the hare or rabbit, fourth sign of Chinese zodiac, 5-7AM
う ボウ モウ (Kentei Pre-1, N1)
katakana no radical (no. 4)
ヘツ えい よう (Kentei 1)
seal radical (no. 26)
セツ わりふ (Kentei 1)
かい バイ (1st, N2)
eye, class, look
め モク ボク (1st, N4)
eight, eight radical (no. 12)
ハチ や はっ (1st, N5)
easy, ready to, simple
イ エキ やす.い (5th, N3)
day, sun, Japan
ひ にっ ニチ (1st, N5)
not, must not, do not
モチ ブツ ボツ (Kentei Pre-1)
wrapping enclosure, wrapping radical (no. 20)
ホウ つつ.む (Kentei 1)
katakana no radical (no. 4)
ヘツ えい よう (Kentei 1)