
noun, takes genitive case の

  1. prohibition of use (of), ban on using (something).


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
使用禁止 しようきんし

Contained Kanji Breakdown

use, send on a mission, order
つか.う シ (3rd, N4)
human radical (no. 9)
officer, an official
リ さと し (8th, N1)
length, ten shaku, measure
ジョウ たけ とも (7th)
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
mow, cut grass, subdue
ガイ ゲ おさ.める (Kentei 1)
くち コウ ク (1st, N4)
utilize, business, service
ヨウ もち.いる たから (2nd, N4)
month, moon
つき ゲツ ガツ (1st, N5)
number one, line, rod radical (no. 2)
コン シ ジョ
prohibition, ban, forbid
キン (5th, N2)
grove, forest
リン はやし し (1st, N2)
tree, wood
き モク こ- (1st, N5)
show, indicate, point out
ジ しめ.す (5th, N3)
two, two radical (no. 7)
ニ ふた ふだ (1st, N5)
little, small
ショウ こ- ちい.さい (1st, N5)
feathered stick, barb radical (no. 6)
ケツ かぎ (Kentei 1)
eight, eight radical (no. 12)
ハチ や はっ (1st, N5)
stop, halt
と.まる シ どめ (2nd, N4)
divining, fortune-telling, divination or katakana to radical (no. 25)
ボク うらな.う うらない (Kentei Pre-1)