Common Words by Reading

wild goose ②glans
northern wind in early autumn
call of a wild goose ②wild goose (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus) ③tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants (esp. gyokuro)
forked arrowhead
wild goose ②glans
rakugan ②geese alighting
charms of a uniquely beautiful woman
the flight formation of geese
head (of a Japanese pipe, i.e. the bowl and shank) ②neck
traditional Japanese paper made from the fiber of plant species Diplomorpha sikokiana (high quality, glossy)
zigzag pattern ②steps down from a pier ③pathway covered by extended eaves to protect from snow ④large saw used by lumberjacks
eastern greylag goose (aquatic bird, Anser anser)
to sit silently at a meeting
flying goose
solitary wild goose (i.e. separated from its flock, esp. flying)
area below the pectoral muscle
wild geese returning north in the spring
call of a wild goose ②wild goose (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus) ③tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants (esp. gyokuro)