Common Words by Reading

to dance (orig. a whirling dance) ②to flutter about
to dance (orig. a whirling dance) ②to flutter about
calling on someone who is ill
to soar ②to make merry
to behave ②to entertain
visiting ill or distressed people ②get-well gifts ③expression of sympathy
to ask after (someone's health) ②to attack
behavior ②entertainment
to come fluttering in (e.g. leaves, snow, flowers, etc.) ②to drop in unexpectedly
lavish feast ②corporate largess
end ②noh dance in plain clothes
visiting soldiers at the front to provide comfort
movements ②farewell dinner (given by someone about to leave on a trip)
late-summer greeting card (sent from about August 8 onward)
stage (of a theater, concert hall, etc.) ②setting (of a story) ③sphere (of activity)
big moment (e.g. performance, in the spotlight)
dance (esp. Western style)
dance performance
big moment (e.g. performance, in the spotlight)
musical dance
traditional Japanese dance
... all over again (repeating the same failure)
maiko ②dancing girl
laths ②short kyogen dance, danced to chanted accompaniment
dragon dance (in Chinese culture)
dance done by two persons or more
(monetary) present to a person in distress
finishing up (a job)
dance where a female dancer dresses up as a man (late Heian to early Kamakura period) ②noh dance performed by a man without a mask
dance performed by a single person
water left in buckets on the roadside during the summer for travelers
store that has been gone out of business
being entertained by a maiko (geisha apprentice)