Common Words by Reading

hole ②pit ③flaw ④hiding place ⑤underbelly (of society, etc.)
hole ②pit ③flaw ④hiding place ⑤underbelly (of society, etc.)
large hole ②big deficit ③long-shot win (in horse racing, etc.)
little-known good place
secret passage ②loophole ③hole one can go through
filling (up) a hole ②filling in (for a gap, vacancy, etc.) ③cloze deletion (test format)
pore (of the skin)
cave ②tunnel tomb (Kofun period)
ass ②rear ③hole
cave dwelling
grave (pit)
jaws of death
dragon's den ②auspicious place for a temple, town, etc. to be built (feng shui)
road taken by a Chinese ajari buddhist monk when he incurred the wrath of emperor Genso (685-762)
pressure points (e.g. for application of moxa) ②vulnerable body cavities
one hole ②toilet bowl (for both urination and defecation) ③effective point for moxibustion ④one-woman man
flat or stone broke
being buried in the same grave
happy life partnership ②Venus's flower basket (Euplectella aspergillum)
gold mine ②provider of funds ③rich person
cave from which cold wind blows
dark hole ②idiot ③road taken by a Chinese ajari buddhist monk when he incurred the wrath of emperor Genso (685-762)