Common Words by Reading

wolf (Canis lupus) ②wolf in sheep's clothing
wolf (Canis lupus) ②wolf in sheep's clothing
boy raised by wolves ②boy who cried wolf
"gentleman" who escorts a woman home, only to make a pass at her
(European) gray wolf (carnivore, Canis lupus lupus)
Lupus (constellation)
Ethiopian wolf (carnivore, Canis simensis)
(European) gray wolf (carnivore, Canis lupus lupus)
Sirius (star in the constellation Canis Major)
hungry wolf
disorder ②violence
werewolf ②Werewolf (social deduction game)
tigers and wolves ②cruel and greedy brute
wolf ②rapacious person
Sirius (star in the constellation Canis Major)
signal fire
glasses and plates being scattered about after a party or banquet
one calamity followed close on the heels of another
being rather confused
lupus (esp. lupus vulgaris)