Common Words by Reading

to get cloudy ②to cloud up ③to be gloomy ④to look slightly downward (of a noh mask; indicating sadness, grief, etc.)
to get cloudy ②to cloud up ③to be gloomy ④to look slightly downward (of a noh mask; indicating sadness, grief, etc.)
cloudiness ②fog (on a mirror, glasses, etc.) ③gloom
cloudy sky looking like it will snow soon
cloudy sky that appears when the migrating birds that stayed for winter and autumn in Japan leave to go north
cloudy weather near Hokkaido during the herrings season (from the third to the sixth lunar month)
fine weather and cloudy
udumbara (mythical Indian plant often identified with the cluster fig, Ficus glomerata) ②something very rare (from the legend that the udumbara flowers once in 3000 years) ③Japanese fiber banana flower ④green lacewing eggs