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Uncommon Characters

100 of 3,366 Kanji

flounder abalone sushi bullhead gizzard shad angler-fish dace (carp) sushi bullhead octopus large mythical fish type of herring goby (fish) short necked clam yellow fish (herring) eggs (sushi) flathead (fish) mullet (fish) herring salamander cuttlefish large mythical fish fresh-water catfish fabulous dolphin-like fish loach horse mackerel a type of fish Spanish mackerel sole sturgeon herring loach (fish) abalone gills flatfish shrimp sardine type of fish yellowtail widower sardine sandfish huge sea turtle fish bladder octopus anglerfish sillaginoid lizard fish conger shark sea bass wild duck wild goose wild duck grebe shrike a poisonous Chinese bird wild goose crow wagtail Chinese ostrich kite partridge flying fast nightingale crested ibis 鴿 dove night heron kite plover kite (bird) unmottled quail cuckoo shrike goose goose grosbeak brown eared bulbul magpie fabulous night bird thrush quail osprey type of black songbird domestic duck thrush crested flycatcher siskin wagtail falcon waterfowl which flies high but not against the wind sparrow hawk chicken yellow-white mottled songbird yellow-white mottled songbird partridge bird of prey wren water hen wren kingfisher