
36 Vocabulary

construction work
condominium (usu. mid or high-rise)
to be erected
plot of land ②locality
underground ②world of the dead ③underground (activities, movement, etc.)
to make ②to prepare (food) ③to raise ④to till
interior (of building, room, vehicle, etc.) ②interior design
space ②space (between letters, words, etc.) ③space (piece of type) ④(outer) space
refreshingly ②shapely ③cleanly ④clearly
construction work
condominium (usu. mid or high-rise)
to be erected
plot of land ②locality
underground ②world of the dead ③underground (activities, movement, etc.)
to make ②to prepare (food) ③to raise ④to till
interior (of building, room, vehicle, etc.) ②interior design
space ②space (between letters, words, etc.) ③space (piece of type) ④(outer) space
refreshingly ②shapely ③cleanly ④clearly