
100 of 110 Vocabulary

prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government)
cabinet (of a government)
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government)
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government) ②leading
cabinet minister
president (of a nation) ②big man
Minister of Finance
cabinet minister
head ②important part
negotiations ②connection
talks (i.e. formal discussions)
(coming to an) agreement
activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.) ②movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
union ②RENGO (Japanese Trade Union Confederation)
United Nations
Ministry of Finance
subject ②homework ③task
to grapple with ②to tackle (e.g. a problem)
effort ②bout (in sports, etc.)
to look at again ②to re-examine (policy, estimate, plan, etc.) ③to improve
to change ②to reform ③to examine ④to do properly
National Diet ②Imperial Diet ③legislative assembly
opposition party
ruling party
political measures
diplomacy ②selling (e.g. door-to-door)
public (facilities, service, etc.)
to decide ②to establish ③to bring peace (to)
constitution ②rules
group ②organization
to raise ②to appeal to (reason, emotions, etc.) ③to complain ④to sue (a person)
century ②era ③of the century (e.g. fight of the century)
independence ②independence (e.g. of a nation) ③separation
revolution ②58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in Onmyōdō)
colony ②(Japanese) settlement (in Brazil)
rule ②direction ③control (of one's destiny, public opinion, etc.) ④government
person ②one's character ③able person
hero ②Eroica Symphony (Beethoven, 1804) ③Heroic Polonaise (Chopin)
(political) power
to clasp ②to hold (the answer) ③to seize (power) ④to make (nigirizushi, rice ball, etc.)
Emperor of Japan
continent ②continental Asia (esp. mainland China) ③continental Europe
development ②development (of a situation, story, etc.) ③playing around
cabinet minister
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government)
Minister for Foreign Affairs
minister of state
Foreign Minister
Minister of Finance
agriculture and fisheries
activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.) ②movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
union ②RENGO (Japanese Trade Union Confederation)
ministry ②province (of China) ③saving
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (1871-2001)
fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan) ②academic year ③product year
next (fiscal) year
idea ②draft ③expectation