
100 of 1,826 Vocabulary

bureau ②office (e.g. post, telephone) ③game (of go, shogi, etc.)
fog ②spray
piece ②cloth ③counter for scraps, pieces, etc.
to break ②to be injured ③to be able to do completely
kilo- ②kilogram ③kilometer ④kilo-
record ②record (e.g. in sports) ③to record ④to set a record (e.g. in sports)
gold (metal) ②something of great value ③money ④karat (measure of purity of gold) ⑤metal (fourth phase of Wu Xing)
silver (Ag) ②silver coin ③silver color ④bank
abstaining from smoking ②prohibition of smoking ③No Smoking
amount of money
safe ②depository
present day ②early modern period (in Japan, usu. from the Meiji Restoration until the end of World War II)
tension ②tensions (between countries, groups, etc.) ③tonus
section (i.e. of text) ②phrase ③verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry) ④haiku
to eat ②to live ③to bite ④to tease
coincidence ②by chance ③contingency
stinking ②suspicious ③smelling of ④looking like
to rot ②to corrode ③to have the audacity to ④to lose a bet ⑤to be drenched
habit (usu. a bad one) ②peculiarity ③crease
to give ②to kindly do for one
down-train ②down-slope ③downbound (esp. away from Tokyo) ④downstream
class (of students) ②group (of people) ③lot ④set (of items) ⑤typesetting
to cross (legs or arms) ②to put together ③to braid ④to grapple
cloudiness ②fog (on a mirror, glasses, etc.) ③gloom
throne ②government position ③degree
(way of) life
classical music ②classic ③classic (work)
to live ②to spend (time)
glass (drinking vessel) ②glass (material) ③glasses (eyewear)
to go mad ②to get out of order ③to go wrong (of a plan or expectation, etc.) ④to go crazy (over someone or something)
group (usu. of people)
painful ②distressing ③hard to do
sunset ②end ③year-end
trouble ②anxiety
to add ②to increase ③to include ④to inflict (damage)
detailed ②knowing very well
to be added to ②to join in (e.g. a group of friends) ③to increase (e.g. heat) ④to be applied (e.g. heat, pressure)
native Japanese reading of a Chinese character ②precept
army ②military authorities ③team
lowness (of degree, value, etc.) ②second volume (of two)
plan ②meter ③(in) total
business conditions ②good (economic) times ③liveliness
calculation ②forecast
(police) detective ②criminal matter
case (e.g. receptacle, condition, event, legal action, letter style, etc.) ②Computer-Aided Software Engineering
injury ②mistake
drama ②powerful drug
make-up ②decoration
stinginess ②shabby ③bad luck
result ②coming to fruition ③as a result
after all ②conclusion ③end of a game of go, shogi, etc.
fault ②failure (in an examination)
conclusion (of an argument, discussion, study, etc.) ②conclusion
Note: There is no longer an official word or kanji list for the JLPT. This list is a suggestion based on data from Tanos