
100 of 1,831 Vocabulary

important point ②iteration mark ③colon (punctuation)
assumption (of office)
circumference ②(computer) peripheral
(company) director ②important post
kanji compound ②idiom
taking an examination (esp. for entrance to a school or university)
predicate ②predicate
(telephone) receiver
digestion (of food) ②digestion (of information) ③losing one's form and turning into something else
elementary school student
there's no (other) way ②cannot be helped ③it's no use (doing) ④hopeless (person)
steam ②steamboat
(measuring) ruler
top and bottom ②going up and down ③going and coming back ④upper and lower classes ⑤first and second volumes
shoji (paper sliding door)
trading company
boarding (a train, bus, etc.)
first 10 days of month
to produce ②to result from
focus ②focus (of attention, a discussion, etc.) ③focus
victory or defeat
evaporation ②disappearance (of a person)
victory or defeat ②match
urine ②breaking a contract
net (amount) ②net weight ③net price
first 10 days of the month
private (establishment)
juice ②soup ③(dipping) sauce
amateur ②respectable woman (i.e. not a prostitute, hostess, geisha) ③unlicensed prostitute
wick ②core ③pistil (of a flower) ④stamen
vertical ②perpendicular
presumption ②estimation
drop of water ②vessel for replenishing inkstone water
Note: There is no longer an official word or kanji list for the JLPT. This list is a suggestion based on data from Tanos