
87 of 3,455 Vocabulary

demonstration ②(giving a) demo ③exhibition game
dry ②dry (tone, humor, etc.) ③dry (of alcohol)
driver (of a vehicle) ②screwdriver ③driver (golf) ④driver
drive-in (bank, cinema, etc.) ②roadside restaurant
drill bit ②drill (practice) ③drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus)
game under lights (e.g. baseball)
(table) napkin ②sanitary napkin
negative ②negative (e.g. thinking)
(aircraft) hangar ②(coat) hanger ③hunger
bat (in baseball, cricket, etc.)
pachinko ②slingshot ③pistol
fight ②fighting spirit ③fight!
fan ②(electric) fan
filter (esp. camera)
front (aspect, weather, war-front, etc.) ②reception (e.g. in a hotel) ③front office
base ②base (e.g. military) ③base
pair ②pair-oared boat
hall (dance, concert, etc.) ②dining area of a restaurant
point (of a story, argument, etc.) ②point (e.g. in stock exchange movement) ③pointing (to something)
pot (esp. teapot, coffee-pot) ②vacuum bottle
mark ②to mark ③trademark ④paying attention to ⑤Mach (OS kernel)
mass communication
milli- ②millimeter
manufacturer (esp. a major company) ②maker ③person who creates things
motel ②drive-in love hotel
(computer) monitor ②consumer who comments on products, television programs, etc. (programs) ③program or utility that monitors a program or activity
rice (esp. when served on a plate)
label (i.e. sticker) ②label (i.e. record label)
loose (e.g. belt) ②slovenly
regular ②regular player (on a team) ③regular (gasoline)
range ②microwave oven
rental car ②car rental agency
X-ray ②roentgen (unit of ionizing radiation)
Note: There is no longer an official word or kanji list for the JLPT. This list is a suggestion based on data from Tanos