
100 of 3,455 Vocabulary

very hungry ②fawning ③giving in
ear (of a cereal plant) ②point (of a brush, spear, etc.) ③crest (of a wave) ④scion (in grafting)
collapse ②(radioactive) decay
treasured article or vessel
service ②offering goods at a reduced price
to inform ②to repay
leaving as is
court (of law)
to bury ②to cover up
to throw out ②to drop ③to abandon ④to dismiss
retaining warmth
to come apart at the seams ②to begin to open ③to smile broadly
protection ②preservation
things dried in the sun (esp. clothes, dyed cloth, etc.)
maintenance ②conservatism
assistance ②subsidy ③auxiliary ④spot (in bodybuilding)
paving (a road)
with a feeling of relief ②deeply (sigh)
side (esp. of a waterbody)
almost ②hardly ③large majority
to give (time, money, goods) ②to do ③to apply (processing, makeup, etc.) ④to sow
childcare worker
health preservation
prisoner (of war)
original method or procedure ②serious
main building
substance ②this machine ③object of worship (at a shrine, temple, etc.) ④base price
real intention
home (of something) ②place of origin ③morning session
text (of a book, document, etc.) ②this passage
the Rabbit (fourth sign of the Chinese zodiac) ②hour of the Rabbit (around 6am, 5-7am, or 6-8am) ③east ④second month in the lunar calendar
spinning (textiles) ②spun yarn
(another's) son ②green young man from a well-to-do family
gradually ②soon ③here and there ④spots
rag ②fault (esp. in a pretense, pretense) ③run-down
counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper) ②counter for positions or roles ③counter for food portions (now only gyōza and soba) ④counter for ranking level
burying in the ground ②having underground deposits
to dance (orig. a whirling dance) ②to flutter about
Note: There is no longer an official word or kanji list for the JLPT. This list is a suggestion based on data from Tanos