

  1. editorial department.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
編集部 へんしゅうぶ

Contained Kanji Breakdown

compilation, knit, plait
ヘン あ.む (5th, N2)
いと シ (1st, N2)
short thread radical (no. 52)
ヨウ ちいさい (Kentei 1)
little, small
ショウ こ- ちい.さい (1st, N5)
feathered stick, barb radical (no. 6)
ケツ かぎ (Kentei 1)
eight, eight radical (no. 12)
ハチ や はっ (1st, N5)
level, small
ヘン ひらたい (Kentei 1)
door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)
と コ へ (2nd, N2)
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
corpse, remains, flag radical (no. 44)
シ かたしろ (Kentei 1)
tome, counter for books, volume
サツ サク ふみ (6th, N2)
upside-down box radical (no. 13)
キョウ ケイ (Kentei 1)
twenty, twenty or letter H radical (no. 55)
キョウ ク にじゅう (Kentei 1)
gather, meet, congregate
シュウ あつ.まる つど.う (3rd, N4)
bird, old bird radical (no. 172)
サイ スイ とり (Kentei 1)
human radical (no. 9)
lord, chief, master
シュ あるじ ぬし (3rd, N4)
dot, tick or dot radical (no. 3)
チュ (Kentei 1)
king, rule, magnate
オウ -ノウ おお (1st, N3)
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
tree, wood
き モク こ- (1st, N5)
section, bureau, dept
ブ ふ -べ (3rd, N3)
to spit out
トウ つばをはいていな.む
stand up, rise, set up
た.つ リツ たつ (1st, N4)
kettle lid radical (no. 8)
トウ (Kentei 1)
grass, straw, herbs
to divide
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
くち コウ ク (1st, N4)