Ichidan verb, intransitive verb

  1. to break (into pieces), to be broken, to be smashed.
  2. to collapse, to crumble, to decline, to cool (e.g. enthusiasm), to dampen (e.g. one's will to fight).
  3. to become less formal, to throw off reserve, to become affable.
  4. to become easy to understand (e.g. a story).
  5. to be worried.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
砕ける くだける
摧ける くだける

Contained Kanji Breakdown

smash, break, crush
くだ.く サイ (9th, N1)
いし セキ シャク (1st, N3)
left hand, cliff(厂) variant
くち コウ ク (1st, N4)
soldier, private, die
ソツ シュツ そっ.する (Kentei 1)
キュウ ク ここの (1st, N5)
ジュウ ジッ ジュッ (1st, N5)