adjectival noun or quasi-adjective, noun

  1. mean, contemptible, despicable, dirty, foul, cowardly, base.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
卑劣 ひれつ
鄙劣 ひれつ

Contained Kanji Breakdown

lowly, base, vile
ヒ いや.しい (8th, N1)
katakana no radical (no. 4)
ヘツ えい よう (Kentei 1)
rice field, rice paddy
た デン たん (1st, N4)
ジュウ ジッ ジュッ (1st, N5)
inferiority, be inferior to, be worse
レツ おと.る (7th, N1)
few, little
すこ.し ショウ すく.ない (2nd, N4)
little, small
ショウ こ- ちい.さい (1st, N5)
feathered stick, barb radical (no. 6)
ケツ かぎ (Kentei 1)
eight, eight radical (no. 12)
ハチ や はっ (1st, N5)
katakana no radical (no. 4)
ヘツ えい よう (Kentei 1)
power, strength, strong
リョク ちから リキ (1st, N4)