adjectival noun or quasi-adjective, noun

  1. clumsy, awkward, unskillfulness, lack of ability.
  2. tactless, awkward (e.g. socially), gauche.
  3. mean, cowardly, base. Archaism.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
不器用 ぶきよう
無器用 ぶきよう

Contained Kanji Breakdown

negative, non-, bad
 (4th, N4)
cliff (厂) variant
divining, fortune-telling, divination or katakana to radical (no. 25)
ボク うらな.う うらない (Kentei Pre-1)
utensil, vessel, receptacle
キ うつわ (4th, N1)
public opinion, clamor, noise
accuse, argue, dispute
くち コウ ク (1st, N4)
large, big
ダイ おお- た (1st, N5)
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
ひと ニン ジン (1st, N5)
utilize, business, service
ヨウ もち.いる たから (2nd, N4)
month, moon
つき ゲツ ガツ (1st, N5)
number one, line, rod radical (no. 2)
コン シ ジョ