adjectival noun or quasi-adjective

  1. irresponsible, perfunctory, careless.
  2. lukewarm, half-baked, halfhearted, vague.
  3. reasonable, moderate. Usu. in suggestions or orders.


  1. considerably, quite, rather, pretty.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
いい加減 いいかげん
好い加減 いいかげん
好加減 いいかげん

Contained Kanji Breakdown

add, addition, increase
カ くわ.える (4th, N3)
power, strength, strong
リョク ちから リキ (1st, N4)
くち コウ ク (1st, N4)
dwindle, decrease, reduce
ゲン へ.る (5th, N2)
water, water radical (no. 85)
all, same
カン ゲン みな (Kentei 1)
sign of the dog, 7-9PM, eleventh sign of Chinese zodiac
いぬ ジュツ (Kentei 1)
5th calendar sign
つちのえ ボ ボウ (Kentei Pre-1)
katakana no radical (no. 4)
ヘツ えい よう (Kentei 1)
halberd, arms, festival car
ほこ カ ほこづくり (Kentei 1)
piling, ceremony radical (no. 56)
ヨク いぐるみ (Kentei 1)
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
くち コウ ク (1st, N4)