Common Words by Reading

gold (metal) ②something of great value ③money ④karat (measure of purity of gold) ⑤metal (fourth phase of Wu Xing)
gold (metal) ②something of great value ③money ④karat (measure of purity of gold) ⑤metal (fourth phase of Wu Xing)
safe ②depository
debt ②number of games under the .500 mark
large amount of money
goldfish (Carassius auratus)
alchemy ②way of making money
cash ②mercenary
red ②red kidney bean ③sweet potato (any of a number of different cultivars with red skin)
amount of money
person with a bounty on their head
putting money aside ②accumulated surplus of wins
money ②metal
money ②metal
trigger (of a gun, etc.) ②trigger (for something)
carpenter's square ②instigation
staunch ②metal reinforcement
(doing something) for money
gold ②gold coin ③gold color
moneylending ②moneylender
paltry sum of money
jade plant (Crassula argentea, Crassula ovata)
gold (Au) ②golden ③money (esp. ōban coin)
(not) ever ②deepest bottom of the earth
vajra (indestructible substance) ②thunderbolt
golden ratio (approx. 1.6180339887)
superhuman (Herculean) strength
vajra (mystical weapon in Hinduism and Buddhism)
The Golden Rule ("do unto others as you would have them do unto you")
golden ratio (approx. 1.6180339887)
hammer ②hopeless swimmer
binding hand and foot ②being tied down with money
metal rod ②iron club
Kanazawa (city in Ishikawa)
metal fittings
metallic taste
hardware store or dealer
metal utensil
die ②(metal) mold
metal ring ②trivet ③train wheel
asbestos coated wire mesh (was used in schools as test equipment)
metal statue of Buddha (usu. bronze) ②cold-hearted person