Common Words by Reading

you (people) ②gentlemen
various countries
various foreign countries
various factors or elements
various kings ②unproclaimed son of the imperial family
various matters
various opinions ②various rumors (rumors)
high-ranking officials ②ladies and gentlemen
(all of) you or them
both ②many ③together
(a multitude of) gods
all kinds of things
double-edged ②double-edged blade
wholeheartedly (approve, agree, etc.)
katana and wakizashi
decorating the alcove of a tea room with a hanging scroll and flowers (in more formal tea ceremonies, during only the first and second half respectively) ②style of decorating a traditional Japanese room (esp. a study) in which incense, a pair of vases and a pair of candlesticks are placed on a table in front of a trio of hanging scrolls