Common Words by Reading

to read ②to recite (e.g. a sutra) ③to predict ④to decipher
to read ②to recite (e.g. a sutra) ③to predict ④to decipher
reading ②reading (of a kanji, esp. kun reading) ③reading (e.g. of a situation)
to read and understand ②to sense from external cues ③to read (calibration, tape, etc.)
finishing reading ②non-serialized story (e.g. in a magazine) ③breaks and pauses (in a sentence)
to read out ②to finish reading
reader (person) ②person who reads the cards (in karuta games) ③composer (of a poem)
foreseeing ②lookahead ③prefetching ④reading ahead
reading while standing (in a bookstore, etc.)
to finish reading
pronunciation ②way of reading (out loud) ③interpretation (e.g. of a text)
reading in a monotone ②reading a Chinese classical text without translating it into Japanese
to read thoroughly ②to read (extra meaning) into (something) ③to take (future changes) into consideration ④to load (data)
reading and writing
reading too much into (what ... says)
to read and understand ②to decipher
huge amount of material (worth reading)
reading (a book)
reading aloud
reading through (a book)
reading comprehension
autumn, the best season for reading
reading aloud ②reading (a kanji) by its Chinese-derived pronunciation
careful reading
reading with pleasure
working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather
Yomiuri (newspaper, etc. group) ②kawaraban (type of Edo-period single-page newspaper)
Yomiuri Symphony
breaks and pauses (in a sentence) ②punctuation ③way of reading (esp. kanbun)
punctuation rules
punctuation character