Common Words by Reading

words ②ci (form of Chinese poetry) ③independent word
(writing) song lyrics
song lyrics
pronoun ②synonym
inflecting dependent word (in Japanese) ②auxiliary verb (in languages other than Japanese)
interjection ②exclamation
translation of lyrics
language ②word ③speech ④words
pillow word ②preface
meaningless words added a song for rhythmical effect
foreword to a collection of poems
secret language of court ladies (Muromachi period)
word created by retaining the first syllable (or two) of a word and suffixing it with the word "moji"
samurai words and phrases
norito read at a great purification event
seasonal word (in haiku)
language game in which extra syllables are added to words
language game in which extra syllables are added to words
words mainly used in songs or poetry