Common Words by Reading

abdomen ②womb ③counter for hard roe ④counter for containers with bulging middles (pots, vases, etc.)
abdomen ②womb ③counter for hard roe ④counter for containers with bulging middles (pots, vases, etc.)
in the belly ②in one's heart of hearts
full stomach ②to one's heart's content
having a meal (before doing something)
roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) ②(metaphor for) location of one's feelings or sentiments ③(metaphor for) empty stomach
dessert stomach
side (of the torso) ②illegitimate child
paying one's own way
exercise to help digestion
haramaki ②torso armor that opens at the back
full stomach ②complete
seppuku ②seppuku as a death penalty (where the convict is decapitated by a second as they make the motions to disembowel themself; Edo period)
sit-up ②abdominal muscles
empty stomach
halfway up (down) a mountain
convulsions of laughter
making a surgical incision in the abdomen
chest and stomach
feeling of emptiness in the stomach
full up ②to have had enough of something (both good and bad nuance)