Common Words by Reading

pillar ②support ③counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.
pillar ②support ③counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.
bay (space or distance between two pillars)
Onbashira Festival
central pillar (of a building) ②mainstay (e.g. of an economy)
upright-floating tea stalk (considered a lucky omen)
adductor muscle ②adductor muscle of a bivalve (e.g. scallop, etc.)
column of water
the three main gods (Amaterasu Ōmikami, Tsukuyomi no Mikoto and Susano-o no Mikoto)
cross (used in a crucifixion)
mosquito swarm
gold-covered woodwork at a temple in Hiraizumi
bridge (of a koto, etc.) ②cylinder
pillars supporting heaven
shape of a pillar or column
column ②round pillar (esp. in buildings)
sound post (e.g. of a violin)
capital (of a column) ②stigma