Common Words by Reading

curtain ②act (in play)
curtain ②act (in play)
black curtain ②wirepuller
the rise of the curtain ②beginning (e.g. of an era)
raising the curtain ②opening (of an event)
(artillery) barrage ②bullet hell ③barrage of scrolling comments (overlaid on an online video)
fall of the curtain
putting an end to ②person who opens and closes the curtains (in a theater)
one act (play, etc.) ②scene
threatening attitude
blackout curtain
(projection) screen ②the silver screen
box lunch (containing rice and 10-15 small portions of fish, meat, and vegetables) ②highest-ranking division ③intermission (between acts)
shogunate ②shogun's headquarters ③Imperial Guards office
Bakumatsu period
shogunate retainer
Tokugawa shogunate (i.e. the Edo shogunate, 1603-1867)
Kamakura shogunate (1185-1333)
Edo shogunate (1603-1867)
overthrow of the shogunate
shogunate official
Muromachi shogunate (1336-1573)
attacking the shogunate
adherence to the shogunate
shogunate army
supporters of the shogun
Ashikaga shogunate (i.e. the Muromachi shogunate, 1336-1573)