Common Words by Reading

band (e.g. conduction, valence)
carrying (on one's person or in the hand) ②mobile phone
whole area ②stretch (of land)
obi ②paper wrapper on books, CDs, etc. ③band ④cingulum
obi ②paper wrapper on books, CDs, etc. ③band ④cingulum
abdominal-support belt
decorative string used to hold a kimono sash in place
white sash ②white belt ③leukorrhoea
sash clip (fastener)
bill strap ②wrapper band
women's kimono sash
red sash ②red belt
leather belt ②cartridge or gun belt
double-woven obi
bellyband ②maternity belt ③(saddle) girth
to wear (sword, decoration, etc.) ②to be entrusted (e.g. with a mission) ③to have a trace of
to wear (sword, decoration, etc.) ②to be entrusted (e.g. with a mission) ③to have a trace of
to wear a sword at one's side
to be charged with a mission