Common Words by Reading

(Internet) troll
kitchen ②(Internet) troll
head steward (e.g. on a ship) ②palace chef
chef (Western cuisine) ②cook or waiter on a ship
person who identifies someone's private information (esp. through online research) ②person who identifies real-life locations or items appearing in anime, video games, etc.
male kitchen worker
person who argues that everything is better abroad (esp. football)
obsessive shipper
person who posts unwanted advice in the comments section or chat of an online video or live stream (esp. Let's Play videos)
person who attends meetups or uses social media to proposition people for sex
would-be creator (esp. writer) who is overly preoccupied with the background setting of their story
miniature shrine with double doors (used to store important Buddhist items such as sutras, etc.) ②cabinet with double doors (used by the nobility to store books, etc.) ③(in Okinawa) carved and decorated stone container for storing the bones of one's ancestors
cabinet with double doors (used by the nobility to store books, etc.)
decorated pottery container for storing the bones of one's ancestors (Okinawa)