Lesson 12

10 Kanji

86 Vocabulary

to open (e.g. doors) ②to open (e.g. business, etc.) ③to open (one's eyes, mouth, etc.) ④to have a hole
to break ②to fold ③to make (origami) ④to interrupt
stomach ②Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
(medical) doctor
to raise ②to appeal to (reason, emotions, etc.) ③to complain ④to sue (a person)
thin rice porridge
to get up ②to wake up ③to occur (usu. of unfavorable incidents)
take care of yourself
to get heavy ②to worsen (of illness)
painful ②distressing ③hard to do
chafing ②binding tightly ③rotating quickly ④hurting sharply
to cut ②to sever (connections, ties) ③to finish
condition ②health ③way ④circumstance
medicine ②efficacious chemical (gunpowder, pesticide, etc.) ③(pottery) glaze ④(illegal) drug
the present ②as of ③present tense ④to actually exist
to cross over (e.g. mountain) ②to get over (e.g. hardship) ③to pass time (e.g. a winter) ④to surpass
breakdown ②damage ③objection
weeping ②with a prolonged dull pain
amateur ②respectable woman (i.e. not a prostitute, hostess, geisha) ③unlicensed prostitute
medical examination
success ②succeeding (in life)
derailment ②digression
sluggish ②bothersome
to get better
something ②somehow
throat ②singing voice
to gulp down ②to understand ③to engulf ④to be filled with (people)
idly ②evasively ③soft and slippery
to vomit ②to emit ③to give (an opinion) ④to confess
irony ②unexpected ③(only) surface ④skin and bone
patient's condition
taking medicine
atmosphere ②a certain air ③(Earth's) atmosphere
whispering ②dry and tasteless
to be seen ②to look ③to come
to examine (medically)
absurd ②very
at last ②barely
soft ②gentle ③informal
Note: In order to match dictionary entries, some of the words listed here are shown in simpler forms than what you see in the book, and compound words may be split into multiple entries.