Lesson 10

14 Kanji

57 Vocabulary

(medical) doctor
railway station ②staging post on a highway (in pre-modern Japan) ③counter for railway stations and bus stations
face ②look ③honor ④influence
soccer ②seersucker
shirt (undergarment) ②shirt (outerwear; usu. with collar and buttons)
life ②livelihood
the world ②sphere ③world-renowned ④realm governed by one Buddha
spring ②New Year ③prime (of life)
underpants ②trousers (esp. women's)
flight (e.g. airline flight) ②mail ③opportunity
ship ②tank ③counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi)
reservation ②contract ③programming (e.g. a device)
apple (fruit) ②apple tree (Malus pumila)
warm ②considerate ③warm (of a color) ④having enough money
slow ②late (in the day) ③later (than expected or usual) ④too late
cool ②clear (e.g. eyes) ③clear ④composed (facial expression)
cold (to the touch) ②(emotionally) cold
to take (a resource, e.g. time or money) ②to hang ③to have started to ④to overlap (e.g. information in a manual) ⑤to (come) at ⑥to be fastened
to stay at (e.g. hotel) ②to be docked
to become ②to result in ③to do ...
to pay (e.g. money, bill) ②to brush off ③to drive away (e.g. one's competitors) ④to sell off (something unneeded)
to decide ②to clinch (a victory) ③to persist in doing ④to always do
number one ②best ③game ④as a test ⑤song (e.g. in noh)
indicates a question ②very ③-al ④in that way
counter for months
at ②and then ③and ④let me tell you
which way ②which one (esp. of two alternatives) ③who
which way ②which one (esp. of two alternatives) ③who
year ②counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school) ③period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years)
early ②quickly
Note: In order to match dictionary entries, some of the words listed here are shown in simpler forms than what you see in the book, and compound words may be split into multiple entries.
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